We speak a lot about social media and collaboration tools, but in the end these are only
ways of collaborating and networking. The core has never changed, and he/she may be sitting right next to you. It's all about
People !
Here are some points taken from one of the best-selling and most successful books on building relationships and selling ideas ever written: Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People"... Written almost a century ago, and still selling well today...
If it worked for Warren Buffet in earning his billions, maybe it may help you a little too...

- Never criticize, condemn or complain.
Self-criticism is extremely rare. Your criticism won't be welcome. Criticism makes others defensive and resentful. Positive Reinforcement works better.
- Become genuinely interested in other people.
People are most interested in themselves. Remember people's birthdays and other important details.
- Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
Find the interests of others and talk about those things. If you know nothing of their interests, ask intelligent questions.
Give your exclusive attention to others. Urge others to talk about themselves. Ask pointed questions.
- Make the other person feel important.
People yearn to feel important and appreciated. Praise others' strengths and they'll strive to reinforce your opinion.
- Use Names whenever possible.
A person's name is their favourite word in any language
Greet others with smiles and enthusiasm. Smiling comes through even over the phone.
- If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
Demonstrate your willingness to rationally examine the facts. If another is about to criticize you, don't let them start! A harsh self-rebuke may prompt the others to soften their critiques. Admitting errors clears guilt and everyone to move forward quickly.
- Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.
This is the most important point, and key to get what you want through others...
More points can be found at www.notesofintelligence.com, but I recommend the book or an audiobook for a more in depth view...
If you have any other tips of your own, or something to say about those above or the book itself, please feel free to comment here...
makes me wonder why people are so slow to react, ideas such as these which you've mentioned existed for ages, not only for collaboration and networking, the points could be used in any occasions where a person needs to interact